Sunday, January 28, 2007

hellos! i feel so empty. sighs! well had band yesterday. did this sectional thing. like woodwinds first then brass then percussion while the people who were not having the "main band sectionals", they had their individual sectionals. oh dear! SYF audition's NEXT WEEK! so scaryy! oh well, better practise hard. did i mention, we had to wear our full band uniform yesterday. so crappy! hahas.
after that i rushed to toapayoh mrt to meet up with zhixin and vanessa for the ice skating thing with them and zx's hcf family. like yeah i felt weird... i suppose vanessa too. =D well it was about 4pm. and zx's "family" had this friend. they call him da4 di4 or something? like elder younger brother? hmmms. well so poor thing ah. tsk tsk. he was alone like skating alone all the time~ and he fell down a few times and he keeps sniffing cause hes got this flu. tsk tsk. but he doesnt want help. so. oh well cant help there. oh OH! did i mention? there was this "cosplayer" according to zx. well. yeah fullstop. oh and! we saw 2 IJ girls. i think they were learning ice skating there. feel like learning too xD
yeah we went out of the rink at.. about 6.30pm and went for dinner. it was about 7.30 by the time we reached bugis. for some reason, they had to cross this ROAD! like FULL of incoming cars. like omg! they actually RAN ACROSS that road! and all the cars were like beeping away. and we were like just a few metres away from the incoming cars. like omg! my jaws dropped. like! i was so traumatized xD gosh! even ive never ran across so MANY cars and not to mention how CLOSE they were from us! if valerie were there, she would have gone F-ing away xD
alright! then after having dinner at this place. err. a place known for its famour yuntun noodles? well i dont think ive heard of it =X though its been featued on tv before. oh well! what can i say? bad memory. then we went home. took about an hour to reach home or so. and i was finally home at 9.30pm. tsk tsk so bad ah xD alright! going out for lunch later. shall end here now.
(picture featuring: random flamingo skating? hahas. yeah random. i was thinking it had a "connection" with the post =D)
i blogged @
12:43 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007

oh YEAH! ive completed my geography write up and my english life story. oh it just so happens that im supposed to DIE in my english project thing? i dont feel like doing my homework today. sigh but cannot slack man! sighh! oh yeah SYF auditions are around the corner. no actually. its next saturday. GAWD! im stressed
and oh yeah im saved! from miss.k oops. i still got maths potpourri to do later on. sheesh! so tiring. especally when the sums are extremely difficult! and i was thinking of slacking and doing it at night but i just cant help having this little thing at the back of my hed telling me to do my maths. oh sheesh!
tmr must wear full band uniform. oh except without the stockings. sheesh! and we still got to wear our uniform and run in the morning. what nonsense! 8 rounds! im going to DIE. i think im going to stop halfway through the 8 rounds tmr. too stressful! haha. sorry oh! i just cant tolerate my aching legs and breathless body. i think im going to do REALLY badly for pft as well. oh nooo! 2.4km run sucks! who's the one who came up with pft anyway! sigh!
alright! since ive really got nothing much to do right now i shall go complete page 7 of potpourri. hop its easy or at least i can understand what the question is trying to ask from me. oh before that. lunch-y here i come! seeya!
(picture featuring this wolf drawing. i found this on some website. its cool huh. hahas. its drawn by the way. well either by hand which im so envious of or by the computer which also im very envious of. xD)
i blogged @
3:40 PM
Friday, January 19, 2007

hellos! ARGHs i am SO stressed! looking at the projects i already have at the start of the year =O! i must complete my individual geography write-up thing tmr! ad ive still got english life story thing to do. sheesh! so many things and yet so little time! monday had band. tuesday had try-outs for band for the juniors. and wednesday i had a dental appointment. and thursday there was band and TODAY i went walking around. came back so late! but i can finally come online! oh by the way had cca photoshoot today and class photoshoot on wednesday.
by the way band on thursday was pretty terrible. cause i had my braces tightened the day before and my teeth were ACHING! it felt really disgusting! cause i could feel the tooth moving when i removed the clarinet from my mouth. hahas. and my tuning was TERRIBLE! gosh. and sir tested this part one by one. well at least i got kind of 'used' to the moving tooth sensation and anaged to play the phrase right OR NOT hes going to THINK i havent learnt my notes. havent done this havent dont that. SHEESH!
today was a pretty fine day except i had late day today. YAY! no more 1 week 3 late days! wahooo! well at least i can return home 35minutes earlier for a day. having band tmr again.
okay ive got nothing more to add on. well then goodbye.
(picture featuring this REALLY REALLY RANDOM picture i drew using photoshop at zhixin's house last year. during the holidays i think. hahas! i warned you its really random! xDD)
i blogged @
7:11 PM
Saturday, January 13, 2007

hellos! ive changed my blogskin. got various feedbacks from people saying that my old skin was hard to load? =O oh wells i got it changed. see if this skin is hard to load as well? xD well hopefully not!
saturday! had band this morning. oh cca orientation! you know the 2 songs we played were used last year as well! its like so boring? and we even played it once to the primary 6s in year 2006 xD thats sec1s 2007 hahas. dont you think they remember the songs? wouldnt they find it a little boring? oh well! its over now.
today's band practise should be considered the most relaxing one. hahas cause 3/4 of the day was spent inthe cca orientation such as advertising for BAND. hahas yeah. but we stlil had sectionals at 12.15pm? oh went back to the band room at 1.15pm and we were dismissed!
NOO! i got THREE late days!!! thats terrible!! nooooo.. *goes on whining*.. thats terribleeee!! i think my class is the only class with 3 late days? well that is among my friends! everybody have only 2 late days. no fair! stupid thursday chinese. such a WEIRD time slot!! sheesh!
sigh oh well! theres no point in complaining right now. though im really UNSATISFIED with this! sighhh~ sec3 is getting stressful! with projects and stuff. and the talk about "higher thinking order" or whatever in all the subject! i think im going to die *cries*. sighs. shall end off here now.
(picture: featuring cross-stitch dog. i call it ritsy. hahas didnt do the outline though.)
i blogged @
6:30 PM
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
ahhhh! im so
stressed! gosh theres a lot of homework everyday! well i cant believe im actually sec3 already! so fast ah! it was like only a few hours ago when i first stepped into chij secondary. and it felt like when i just became sec2 yesterday. and i cant believe it. a year ago my seniors were all sec2 and were all studying what i studied last year. and in just a blink of an eye. everybody's progressed by 2 years! wow! the sec3s are like sec4s waiting for the 'arrival' of O'levels. hahas sighh. soon that'll be happening on
ME! so stressful ah!
oh ive added 3 new links on my list. and its under the 'recommended links' list. although i havent written the recommended above. but i suppose its obvious huh. the 2nd group of links. and its called "glass of water", "sneaky sneaky" and "look who's looking". theyre
REALLY funny clips! its like a
must watch! oh yeah 'look who's looking' is pretty confusing.
(oh yeah please watch and refer to the video befre reading or not its going to be confusing xD)
well you see. when you watch the show. there is man
A B C and
D. man A is just the main character. man C being the 'time traveller'. man B being the one who grew eyes. man D is the one who got knocked down.
A asked C to bring him back time 2 nights ago. when man B was sleeping. C tells A that it will be funny if he put eyes on B. now this is the tricky part! the reason why B grew eyes was because A asked C to bring him 2 nights ago to his house to see WHY he grew eyes. and originally B had no eyes. BUT because A told C to bring him there. C decides to put eyes on B. which then woke up the next morning WHICH is the future and thats why B had eyes and A asked C to go BACK to the PAST to investigate why. you get it? its kind of like a cycle.
heres the other trickier part. D got knocked down by the truck. if you remember A told C to bring him back to the future from the past. WHICH is in the PRESENT. and before he went back to the past. he had already known that D got knocked down by a truck. and when he went BACK to the past AND THEN came back to the FUTURE which is the PRESENT. he sees the same truck that knocked D down. then he decides to drive it away so the 'driver' will not drive it to accidentally knock D down. what he does not know is that A himself IS the driver who knocked D down. and THEN he got down the truck and saw a repeat of himself asking C to bring himself to the past. get it? its like another cycle.
hope you all understand. hahas its a really cool logic! hahas. i shall end here now. bye
i blogged @
8:10 PM
Saturday, January 06, 2007

hello! im here to post again. hahas. oh cool i made another gruop picture =D oh because of dora's comment about my people having sharp chins and big eyes. therefore i tried drawing us out in another manner. made it look more 'real'. although it didnt really work. and i still cannot make them look like us! noo! maybe i need a picture sample =O how unfortunate. sorry everything's kind of out of proportion. sigh. oh yeah i changed R's clothes cause i thought she looked pretty man-like in the other one? oh i dont know im really bad at drawing!
watched skatin with celebrities last night. had a sudden want to learn ice skating too =D those celebrities are really professional man! they only learned for a few months and theyre like practically a professional who would probably take a few years to master those moves. gosh! so cool oh! but i dont know. O levels are coming dont think i'll have the time to learn next year. its most probably an everyweek thing. so yeah.
alright!! had band today. and yes all they did was critisize us. again.. oh wells. i suppose ive already gotten used to it. well even if i did practise. it wouldnt make a difference. cause someone i know wouldnt and probably spoil all our efforts. beware of head explosions. sheesh.
today's such a hot saturday afternoon! ive got ONE thing i cant stand anymore! GOSH. cant take IT man!! just watching them. urghs! THAT FACE! toot!! goodness urghs!!
i suddenly feel so ____. sighs. oh i dont know how to say. like have this sadness within me. its like this everywhere. whether in class school cca whatever. sighhs. i think im going into depression! gosh. oh 1 symptom. you cry. lols sighs..
dont really have anything exciting today. maybe i'll talk about some more stuff another day. only wanted to post this picture =)) sighh. yeah. goodbye.
i blogged @
4:56 PM
Monday, January 01, 2007

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! WAHOOs!! lols. wishing everybody a wonderful year ahead. remember to always remain calm during tests and exams xD sigh year 2007 is here! and so is sec3 for me. more stress ahead. oh and separation from my friends *cries*!! i'll miss you
SO MUCH PEOPLE!! sighh. oh wells. we can keep in touch right? go out every once n 2 months or something =DD hahs! yeah! hope to see you all in the later part of my life =D like maybe when we reach working society! hahas. or something. whoa so far!alright! enough of sad stuff. went out with mama to orchard road to get some new clothes and shoes and everything! yeah only managed to get shoes today. it was pretty packed and we spent a few hours in a building. and we had a total of like 3 buildings and about.. 6hours hahas. 2 hoursper building! plus the resting and travelling from one building to another. WOWs! hahas. yeah so we're going again tmr. well on the way back i saw TWO rainbows! so cooool~ well yeah i saw 2 rainbows. they were at different places. but for the 2nd rainbow. i thought i saw another one beside it. but it was fade so couldnt tell if my eyes were going mad or not.
gosh! i still cant live with the fact that my precious camera is GONE! that is so sadd!! i loved that device T.T lols you know! i had like this little connection to that camera. hahas along with the pretty handphone pouch i put it in!! and it was a PRESENT from my aunt!! GAHHH! nooo! i feel so guilty. i can only keep the strap of the pouch in memory of the pouch T.T sigh.
oh this is a picture of my friends and me. its REALLY UGLY! and also. they dont look like themselves at all xDD im sorry im not good at potraits! sigh. well how i wish i was good at them T.T i only tried drawing their obvious features? like the hair xD it doesnt even LOOK like it!!!! T.T noooo.. i better go train myself in portraits! how i envy those who can draw potraits.
okay okay. i should stop thinking of events that would make me sad. sigh~ okay! i shall end of here now goodbye!
i blogged @
8:30 PM